9 String Guitar: 4 Must-Know Tunings [Ultimate Guide] (2024)

Welcome to the twilight zone, where people play guitars with nine strings. And that’s not all…they use eerie alternate tunings.

Even in standard tuning, these instruments can reach lower pitches than a 4-string bass. And if you drop the 9th string a full step you can match the lowest note on a 5-string bass.

So is it actually a guitar at this point or is it a bass with an extended upper range?

Alternate tunings for 9-string guitars tend to be lower or “drop” tunings rather than open tunings. These guitars are almost exclusively associated with the metal and djent genres. And not only are the guitars difficult to get but getting string sets is too, which may be why open tunings aren’t popular.

Although these are pretty rare instruments, they have been used by bands such as Animals as Leaders (progressive metal), and veteran rockers Deftones (alternative metal).

Their online presence is pretty strong though, with several internet personalities promoting them such as Rob Scallon and Andrew Baena.

And as older companies are constantly discovering, internet personalities can sell a lot of gear.

No one knows if these instruments will become more popular in the future but there are already plenty of alternate tunings you can try out.

Table of Contents

All you need to know about 9-string alternate tunings

Now if you haven’t yet acquired one of these instruments yet, let’s talk about availability first, because there aren’t too many choices, to be honest.

Ordinarily, I would think to check Ibanez first, but they don’t even make one.

Sweetwater doesn’t even have any 9-string guitars as far as I know.

Guitar Center on the other hand does have a couple of Legator brand guitars with nine strings listed for pre-order sale ($1050-$1600).

ESP Japan offered a signature 9-string guitar for the band Babymetal and ESP has made some custom 9-string instruments but I haven’t seen a production model.

Let’s just take a moment and appreciate that the core members of Babymetal don’t play any instruments (some of the music is admittedly great though).

However, Schecter Guitar Research does have a regular production model and I think it is your best option: the Damien Platinum-9 at $1000.

I don’t own any Schecter guitars but I do respect them and I think that naming metal guitars after classic horror films is pretty sick. And there’s no fan fret / multiscale nightmare to deal with on this one.

So now that you have an idea of where to get one of these guitars, let’s first establish what the standard tuning is, and then get into some cool alternate tunings. 9-string guitars (extended range type that is) are traditionally set up to C#-F#-B-E-A-D-G-B-E.

Now, who wants a C# string?

These things are practically begging to be changed to alternate tunings!

4 must-know 9-string guitar tunings

1. B Standard

For this tuning, the intervals are preserved as all strings are de-tuned a full step to B-E-A-D-G-C-F-A-D.

This gets rid of that pesky open C# note and should be perfect for playing along with a 5-string bass in standard tuning or the top 5 strings will harmonize well with a 7-string guitar.

Of course, you could tune down just a half step or lower than B Standard but do you really need to tune any lower than this?

2. Drop B

This is just changing the 9th string to a full step down from C# to B, similar to using Drop D on a 6-string guitar.

The B-F#-B tuning on the top three strings gives you a lot of easy power chord options that should sound brutal with some distortion.

I’m sure it will also be pretty brutal on your fingers though since the top string will be around .105 gauge. People also tune down a whole step to B Standard and then drop the top string all the way to A but I think Drop B is plenty to start with.

3. High A

This one will be like having an 8-string guitar with an extended upper range.

The tuning of the strings will thus be F#-B-E-A-D-G-B-E-A.

This is a fresh option for anyone who gets a 9-string guitar and finds themselves not playing it as much as they thought they would.

And of course, it will sound good along a 6-string bass too. It does take some custom strings to do it though so think carefully before committing to it.

4. Drop B and E

This tuning has the top two strings lowered a whole step so it becomes B-E-B-E-A-D-G-B-E, eradicating all traces of open sharp notes.

I guess this one is for people who enjoy using octaves and I think it could sound pretty neat for a slap bass style, considering your top strings are pretty much the same as the strings of a bass.

Should you set up your guitar every time you change its tuning?

Given the heaviness of the strings that these guitars feature I think there will probably need to be some adjustments made for any alternate tuning other than maybe Drop B.

If you want to leave your guitar in a lowered tuning or the Drop B and E option then checking if the truss rod needs adjustment is definitely recommended.

And the High A tuning is drastically altering the string gauges and tension on the neck that the guitar was designed for so factor in a setup for that one.

Of course, if you want to play live or record with your guitar in an alternate tuning then a professional setup would be a good idea.

And we didn’t even cover any of the insane tunings that deal with tuning the top string down to A or micro-tuning some strings.

A brief guide to alternate tunings and string gauges

As far as strings go there aren’t too many options out there that I am aware of.

If you just want to buy a prepackaged set I believe your only choice is Ernie Ball 2628 (.009 – .105). These can be purchased online at Sweetwater for around $19.

This limited availability of strings might be why open tunings are not so popular with 9-string guitars.

It is possible to order a custom 9-string guitar set from the company Stringjoy but their heaviest listed 9th string is .095, which is considerably lighter than the Ernie Ball equivalent.

However, you could use the heaviest string from the Ernie Ball set and customize an 8-string set from Stringjoy if you are picky.

The good news is that setups will probably be easier since you only have one string option if you want to go with purely prepackaged strings and don’t want to mess with the custom sets from Stringjoy.

The exception here is if you want to try the High A tuning, which can be done with a set of 8-string guitar strings such as D’Addario EXL140-8 (.010 – .074) or whatever you like and some custom plain steel .007 gauge strings, also made by D’Addario, for the high A string (available through Amazon).

I really suggest getting multiple high A strings in case you snap some tuning all the way to A.

But if you are new to 9-string guitars or are just thinking of trying one, I would suggest taking your time and exploring the instrument adequately as it is set up from the factory before you start ordering custom string sets and making adjustments to the neck.

As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

And before you know it, you could be composing the music for the next Doom game.

9 String Guitar: 4 Must-Know Tunings [Ultimate Guide] (1)

Ramiro Somosierra

Hello there, my name is Ramiro and I’ve been playing guitar for almost 20 years. I’m obsessed with everything gear-related and I thought it might be worth sharing it. From guitars, pedals, amps, and synths to studio gear and production tips, I hope you find what I post here useful, and I’ll try my best to keep it entertaining also.

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9 String Guitar: 4 Must-Know Tunings [Ultimate Guide] (2024)


What is the most intuitive guitar tuning? ›

Drop D tuning is the most common alternate guitar tuning, largely because it is so easy to tune to! The only string that changes from standard is the low E string, which is tuned down one whole step to D. Drop D is well known for its low, punchy sound and its very convenient one-finger power chord shape.

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Those names have to do with octaves. So your low E being tuned to a B would be making it a B2 since it is usually E2 and you're stepping down to the nearest B. So your tuning as follows B2 G2 D3 F#3 A4 D4.

Why is Eadgbe standard tuning? ›

The reason? It's simultaneously musically convenient and physically comfortable, a conclusion players came to a few hundred years ago. The aim was to create a tuning that would ease the transition between fingering simple chords and playing common scales, minimizing fret-hand movement.

What is the drop C alternative tuning? ›

Drop C tuning is basically a slight variation of drop D tuning. You tune the entire guitar down a whole step and then drop the low E string by another whole step down to C. This gives you these notes for your open strings: CGCFAD. With this tuning, you're getting close to the sound of a seven-string guitar!

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The Guitar Style Of Keith Richards

On many of the Rolling Stones' greatest hits Keith Richards played in Open G tuning. Often he has the lowest string removed, so that he plays a five string guitar. If you don't want to remove that string, you can touch the lowest string with one of your fingers (fretting hand).

What tunings did Hendrix use? ›

Jimi Hendrix usually played guitar in standard tuning a half step down. This is usually called “E flat tuning”. Lowering the pitch a half step makes the strings looser, and can also make it easier to sing along if you're a male with a low voice.

What order do the notes go in when tuning A guitar? ›

Listed from low to high, the guitar string notes are: E, A, D, G, B, E. To help memorize these string names, there are a couple of sayings that we can use: Eddie Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie or Eat A Dead Grasshopper Before Everything.

What octave should A guitar be tuned to? ›

In scientific pitch notation, the guitar's standard tuning consists of the following notes: E2–A2–D3–G3–B3–E4 . The guitar is a transposing instrument; that is, music for guitars is notated one octave higher than the true pitch.

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All of the courses and other resources here for 4 string use an open tuning GDGB, the four middle strings in Spanish tuning. It's essentialy the same as the 3 string tuning mentioned above but adds the B string, the 2nd string from a standard set, on top.

What is piggyback tuning? ›

Essentially, the Piggyback tuner inserts (or splices) itself between the ECU and the sensors and changes the value that the ECU reads. This 'tricks' the ECU into thinking the values are not optimal and then causes it to produce more boost or inject more fuel - thus giving more power.

What is dadgad tuning used for? ›

The suitability of D A D G A D to Celtic music stems from the fact that it facilitates the use of a number of moveable chords, which retain open strings. These act as a drone on either the bass or treble strings, approximating the voicings used in traditional Scottish and Irish pipe music.

What is TCU tuning? ›

TCU tuning is a type of automotive tuning that focuses on optimizing the TCU, or transmission control unit. TCU tuning can be used to improve the overall performance of any vehicle.

What are 9 string guitars used for? ›

The doubled strings produce a rich sound. In contrast, the D, A, and low E strings are single, and their sound is focused. This combination makes the nine-string guitar an indispensable workhorse, especially suited for solo stage performances or get-togethers with friends.

Who uses 9 gauge guitar strings? ›

I'm talking about everyone from Eddie Van Halen to Frank Zappa to Randy Rhoads, Angus Young, Mark Knopfler, on and on and on the list goes. Before we even jump in, if you think that 9s are only for beginners or that pro guitarists never use 9s, just completely discard that view because it's just not really true.

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9s tend to bend easier and are good for lead work, but can bend accidentally during chords and have a thinner tone. 10s can still bend but have a bit of bite-back, and a fuller sound. Experiment freely with 9s and 10s if you want, it's not enough of a difference to warrant any alterations to the guitar.

Is standard guitar tuning 440? ›

In simple terms, the debate is over which frequency should be used to tune instruments to. You could tune your guitar to 440 Hz or 432 Hz. Or you could have an entire orchestra tune to those or any other frequency for that matter. Granted, 440 Hz is universally accepted as the frequency we tune our instruments to.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.