The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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2A The Miami Herald Friday Feb 6 1981 lay Maeder The People Column i Vr I Atlantan iinds i body' of one -missing 'child 9 ATLANTA (UPI) A man looking for rabbit traps discovered the body of a "small black in a strip of woods south of Atlanta Thursday Officers trying I to solve string of 17 child slay- ings and abductions rushed to the scene Angelo Fuster spokesman for Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson said "it appeared to be the body of a child or a small per- and had apparently been there few A resident of the area said he found the body after a puppy trotted out of the woods a piece of it in his "We do hope to get an identification to- Fuster said Of the 17 cases being investigated by the 35-officer special task force' 14 are chil- dren who have been found slain Three re- main missing All of the 17 children who have vanished! over the past 18 months were black and! all were between nine and 15 years old Crew's ruse Foils would-be hijacker Associated Press United Press International Scientists: St Helens set to blow i i Steam expected instead of ash From Herald Wire Services VANCOUVER Wash Volatile Mount St Helens shot a steam plume more than a mile above its 8400-foot crater rim Thursday as molten rock formed on the crater floor Scientists said they expect an eruption but one that probably would not spew ash The rock built a large lava bump on top of the old lava dome and scientists said the dome growth was part of the effort to rebuild itself after its May 18 1980 eruption a nonexplosive said Kathy Cashman a US Geological Survey geologist The new lava growth big but we know how big growing on top of the old The new lava growth apparently began early Thursday but it was midday before a break in gigantjc steam plumes permitted US Geological Survey scientists aboard a helicopter to dart inside the rumbling steaming crater They reported by radio that the large volcano dome in the center of the 1 2-mile-wide crater floor was rapidly swelling "In a sense we are having an said a spokeswoman for the USGS at volcano watch headquarters expect the eruption to take the form of nonexplosive dome-building She called the crater real hazardous and said the helicopter did not linger long enough for the scientists to take accurate measurements of the magnfa rising out the earthNike fiery- hot paste i But they noted a large expansion "growing on the -middle part of the old dome They see any she said The dome-building does not 'rule out the chance of an Explosive skyward eruption of ash Cashman said but she added dome will be the major phase of i- The steam plume shot 500 feet above the crater while the earthquakes that rattled the volcano earlier seemed to have lev-eled off scientists said- J- That lull may be a clue to Jhe next move said Christina Boyko a spokes--woman for the University of geophysics cente'rln 1 Seismic activity leveled- off late Thursday morning to about two events per hour after coming at a-rate of six to eight per hour earlier she sdlcL She said any'neiv' eruption probably would the period between Backstage visit Visiting Anita Gillette and Tony Roberts backstage at Playing Our are none but Gerald and Betty Ford Bystanders said they looked tinned and fit Sam play it again hands of lime gel a slap Steam rises a mile above Mount St Helens Thursday It Dec 27 and Jan 4 when molten rock squeezed up through the crater floor hardening into a dome larger than Kingdome stadium Scientists issued a volcano alert shortly after 5 am (8 am Miami time) Thursday saying a major eruption was a possibility Geophysics spokesman Dave Peckham reading the alert said the expected eruption could either be like the one that created the dome or could resemble the mountain's last explosive eruption which began Oct 16 and shot steam and ash thousands of feet into the sky over three days But Boyko said later do not discount the possibility of an explosion but it probably will be dome-building" Gov John' Spellman said Thursday he thinks government agencies are better pre: pared now than last year to handle any eruptions of the volcano' Forest Service dispatcher Kate Brennan at the volcano center In 'Vancouver said no evacuation would be necessary since there is no one within 20 miles of the north side The Oct 16 eruption was the fifth eruption kiince the massive May 18 eruption that left 62 persons dead or missing The mountain was mostly quiet through January On Sunday the quakes tremors ai)d steaming began gain i Earthquake activity peaked in the two hours after midnight Thursday lyhen there were seven earthquakes five pf them as large as the biggest earthquake recorded when 26 were recorded Mloyko said i No magnitude was determined immedi- ately for the quakes but most probably were less than 20 on the Richter scale she said Some of the quakes were described as precursors a type of quake scientist have seen before other eruptions Peckham said HIJACK From 1 A union official Leroy Washington tried to calm him Then in an elaborate ruse the pilot told the hijacker he was changing course for Havana Instead he radioed San Isla Verde International Airport asking that all but! the runway lights be extinguished and that Eastern employes in civilian clothes meet the plane so that the hijacker would think the plane had landed in Havana When they landed at 2:45 am and door opened the hijacker stepped out onto the portable stairs rolled up to the plane saying he was ready to surrender to Cuban authorities i At that moment Washington tore the bag away from the man threw it out of the plane and kicked Morales Torres in the back closing the door behind him FBI agents waiting at the bottom of the stairs quickly captured the hijacker Dogs trained to sniff out explosives determined-the bag contained no bomb Appearing before US Magistrate Denis Simonpietri Morales Torres was charged with two offenses short of hijacking interfering with a flight crew and reckless' disregard for human safety He was remanded to jail in lieu of $30000 bail It was the second attempted hijacking three days' at San Juan In the previous in-' cident a man locked himself in the room of a jet threatening to explode the plane unless he was given a meeting with! Puerto Rican Gov Carlos Romero Barcelo He was overpowered without incident tle pre-op transsexual who keeps demanding surgery at state expense but to David Berkowitz she is life itself was the cellblock remembers Diane who is doing six-to-10 for armed robbery bring us hot water in the morning and all our meals! He used to spend hours in front of my cell talking to me! Then he started bringing me The Times every morning and items from the commissary like cans of tuna He told me he loved me and never wanted me to For sake the prison officials agree among themselves and one day very abruptly off goes Dianeto another prison elsewhere Leaving behind her naught but ashes and broken dreams At-' tica confirmed this story this week and added that Son of Sam remains plunged to this day in a black depression alone with his reveries Blam! Blam! Thank you i And now another gripping episode of Attica He walked by Searching trembling Trapped in a world he never Men called him Son of Blam! Blam! Kapwing! Brought to you by Rolled Oats It is the dead of winter at clammy gray Attica Prison but the promise of springtime flutters in the air and love as it must to all men blooms at last in the soul of David Berkowitz David has tried to love before but it has never quite worked out Still there remain restless stirrings The fundamental things apply as time goes by Down the cold corridor plods David Berkowitz carrying his buckets of swill Suddenly through the bars a vision Of truth Of beauty Of light and laughter in this dark and beastly place Her name is Diane To prison officials she is merely Louis Quirros a hormone-popping lit I I I i The Weather Deport Hey look out 4Big Here comes sloop Map data and forecasts b9 National Wcatner Service NOAA Department of Commerce 5 i US Canada Forecast map for Friday Feb 6i 1 1 i Figures are for the 24-hour period ended 8 pm Feb 4 figures folks will listen up hope t6 precipitate confrontations with- the power he says No answer yet from the UN John meanwhile is continuing to build his boat r' Local state forecasts' Noth Florida: Mostly cloudy with chance ofrain by tonight Highs' near 60 with tows near 40 Southeast-winds at' 15 miles per hour Vi A I rr' Central Florida Okeechobee' Indian River' Brevard: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers 'by tonight Highs in the upper 60s with lows in the mfti-5ffs Winds from the southeast at 15 mph 1 Gulf Coast: Partly cloudy and warmer with a slight chance of showers by tonight Highs in the low 70s with-lotos' in the' 50s Winds from the east dt 15 mpjh x- Palm Bch 65 49 SOUTH Broward Palm Beach St Lucie Martin: Partly cloudy with a chance of showers by tonight Highs in the low 70s with lows near 60 Winds from the east at 15 mph John Runnings he has a few theories about this world situation today like to talk at you about As is often the case when a wholly inconsequential person nobody has ever heard of however John has been having a little trouble getting folks to pay any attention to his theories and now decided time for some high-profile action John a retired Seattle carpenter who heads up a group called Unilateral Initiatives notified the United Nations this week that later this year he intends to invade Russia in a 35-foot sloop in order "to provoke an international Once he does that John Two actors get a run-around Abroad somewhere in the world at this moment: exclusive photos of actors Robert DeNiro and Keith Carradine getting thrown against a wall and frisked by Rome police The incident occurred the other night as the actors trying to elude a carful of pursuing paparazzi stopped a cop to complain that they were being followed The photographers in turn explained that they were chasing terrorists Whereupon the police pulled DeNiro and Carradine out of their car at gunpoint and hauled them down to the station as everybody stood around gleefully snapping pictures Ninety minutes of fast talking later the guys were freed The Wires haven't yet shipped us the shakedown photos apparently on the theory that no responsible People Column would choose to run such trash Which shows how much they know Riglil under her nose A young London woman who underwent surgery this week to clear up a lifelong breathing problem has been ceremoniously presented with a tiddlywink doctors removed from her nose Ruth Clarke 23 says she vaguely remembers losing it when she was a tyke National summary EAST Miami vicinity: Partly cloudy and mild with a slight chance of showers Highs in the low 70s with lows near 60 Winds from the east at 15 mph United Press International Keys: Cloudy with a chance of showers by tonight Highs in the low 70s with lows in the low 60s Winds ffom the east at 20 mph gion Deaths due to exposure were reported in Nebraska and New Hampshire bringing the number of weather-related deaths in the latest onslaught of winter storms to 33 Snow flurries were scattered over the Great Lakes the northern Appalachians and over western New England More flurries were predicted for the area Flurries were also expected to fall over parts of southeast Kansas and northwest Arkansas changing to rain from Oklahoma into southern Arkansas East Texas and Louisiana Bitter cold stung the Midwest and Northeast again Thursday with temperature readings as low as 12 degrees below zero At least three persons have died from exposure to the cold in the current blast of arctic temperatures Strong winds accompanied temperatures reaching the 12-beiow mark in Watertown NY A travelers advisory was issued for western New York where high winds spreading fresh snow dropped visibilities Frigid air swept across the Plains the Great Lake states and spread as far south as Florida Temperatures plunged to 23 below in the northern Plains re Still there Sixty-some years ago Ernest Hemingway wrote this short story called which took place in the Austrian village of Galtuer and this granddaughter Margaux visited the very same village and posed for this picture with some young persons who happened to be standing around Margaux is doing skiing promotionals for the Austrian government these days Extended state outlook Sunday through Tuesday Partly cloudy with a chance of rain clearing and colder by Monday Increasing cloudiness Tuesday Highs in the 50s north and low to mid-70s south Lows in the 40s north 50s central and 60s south Lows on Tuesday will be 30 north 40 central and 50 south information for Feb 7 World temperatures FOREIGN: As of 8 a Miami time Feb 4 CANADA PAN AMERICAN: Highs for Feb 4 Acapulco 88 Lima NR St Kitts 84 Ascunoon 79 Menoa 76 Teguogal 77 Barba oos 84 Mexico City 70 Trimoad 88 Bermuoa 62 Montego 82 Vera Cruz 75 Bogota 70 Monterrey 61 Aires 66 Montevideo 63 Guadaiaiara 77 Nassau 68 at Havana 72 Rio 86 I Kingston 86 San Juan 84 Miami time Small boats St Augustine to Jupiter Inlet out 50 miles Small craft should excercise caution Winds from the east to northeast at 15 knots Seas two to four feet near shore and six feet offshore Jupiter Inlet to Key Largo out to the Bahama Bank Key Largo to the Dry Tor-tugas including the Florida Bay and Florida Straits A small craft advisory is in effect Winds from the east at 15 to 20 knots Seas four to seven feet and higher in the Gulf Stream Florida Bay will be choppy to rough Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs out 50 miles Small craft should excercise caution Winds from the east at 15 knots Seas two to three feet near shore and up to six feet Eljc Jiiiami Herald 71st Year No 68 (USPS-344-200) The Miami Herald is published every morning by The Miami Herald Publishing Co a division of Kmgnt-Ridder Newspapers Inc One Herald Plaza Miami Fta 33101 The entire contents of each issue of The Miami Herald are protected under the federal copyright act Reproduction of any portion of any issue will not be permitted without the express permission of The Miami Heraid Home delivery rates Seven days $1 75 3-day weekend pkg 98 cents Six days (Monday through Saturday) si 15 Home delivery phone numbers Dade County 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(305 350-2441 First and second class postage paid at Miami Florida International edition: Avaiabte Central and South America and tne Caribbean For information contact your local distributor or call (305) 350-2202 Back copies: Copies of most issues of The Miami herad published the last year are on sae the purchasing department on the fifth floor of Tre Mami Hera Building One Heraid Plaza between tne Mac-Arthur and Venetian Causeways 830am-43upm Monday Friday School delivery: The Miami Herald Educational Services Department otters delivery of 10 or more copies at reduced rates and a variety of other services for students and teachers For information call 350-2009 Every morning 10 editions of The Manri Hera serve all Florida the Carbbnr Central and South America Look tor The Miami Herjien you travel NR City Did Not Report 8pm Miami time (Canadian Pre op in metric) Sun moon Tides Air quality Dade index for Thursday was 50 on a scale ofO to 300 50 is considered moderJO Port Everglades: highs 9 12 a 9 29 lows 2 55 a 3 22 Hillsboro Inlet: highs 9 23 am 9 40 pm lows 3 29 a 3 56 Sunrise today 7:02 am Sunset today 6:08 pm Mopnrise 8:21 am Moonset 807 pm Feto FeO Fefc 20.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.