The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 9, 1901, IS other businesses, why not for yours? There is no reason 1 I Si Ft £1 llt If Mil IItIMM WhY money Pent in advertising should not be as advantageous M. MAM for you. TRY AN AD ON THIS PAGE. WIRELESS LINES WORK SYSTEM IX HAWAIIAN ISLANDS It Probably How In Sufi-eNaful the Center.

Yot-k Sun Snmolml Umrvlcm. Honolulu, Jan. 1, via San Francisco, Jan. 9. telegraphy between Honolulu and the islands of the Hawaiian group will be in.

practical working order next Thursday. Stations ou the islands have all been established and tests show everything in perfect order. The service will Include all the islands except' Kauai. There are three stations, one at Honolulu, one at Hilo and one on the island of Lanai. Lanai is the connecting station; between the two others.

Cable messages can be sent by cable from to the Island of Haul. By this means and by telephone all the islands of the group will now be' In close communication. SCHELDT MAY FREEZE It Would Tliro'W. Ont of Work In Europe. BBr- SunSpecial- Antwerp, Jan.

is feared here that the- Scheldt which is of such importance to this city's shipping interests; will freeze over for the first time since 1891, if the present cold weather continues. It would constitute a Veritable disaster, and would throw no less men and women out of work as well as cause the loss of millions dollars. At present there is no sign of milder weather in prospect. Paris, Jan. snow and cold weather continue.

Much of inland France Is weatherbound. River traffic in some parts of the country has been stopped by the ice floes. In southwestern France the weather is warm and sunny. London, Jan. has been a heavy snowfall in some parts of Great Britain, There has been a plentiful but not heavy fall in London, Rome, Jan.

cold wave that prevailed over Italy has subsided and sunshine has returned. ANOTHER MORRISON TRIAL Case Will Be Tried Again at the March Term. York Sun Special Service Eldorado, Jan. Morrison be tried again at the March term of court for the murder of Mrs. Olin Castle.

This was decided on at a meeting of the county commissioners when they approved the costs of her former trial, $5,500. In the first trial the jury disagreed. NUMBER 1. AGENTS ANTES CATHOLIC FREE; MEN or women; town or country; write at once. C.

P. L. 334 Dearborn st. Chicago, 111. LADY OR GENTLEMEN agents.

For particulars, address 832, Journal. WHY BE HARD UP OR OUT OF BUSINESS have a sure road to wealth; our coincontrolled machines are the best made and are quick sellers; or can be placed on the percentage plan; write for particulars: the best chance ever offered to make big money on small investment. Address the Caille- Scheimer corner Woodward and Baltimore Detroit, Mich. WILL $500 HELP YOU OUT? IF SO, TOO can have it in a short time. We offer you the sole agency for a line of earthenware cooking vessels that are wanted in every home.

If you mean business, write us at once. The J. W. McCoy Pottery Co. Roseville, Ohio.

AGENTS HAVES' MEtallic rubber tires for rocking chairs; you can $100 month. J. C. Hayes, 418 Locust, i Moines, lowa. NUMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 88888888888888 Zi ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARING 5, SALE NOW GOING ON.


Wednesday evening, Jan. 9, 7:30 p. 6th floor Masonic Temple, for work in E. A. degree.

Brethren Invited. H. M. Myers, Secretary. NUMB Ell O.

BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL FOR WHEELER House, Mason City, Iowa; this is the best paying $1 per day house to be found; furnished complete, and leased for three years at $100 per month, or can give immediate possession if desired; best of reasons for belling. Address Lock Box Slayton, Minn. BUY WHEAT ON EVERY BREAK; IT IS going much higher; $20 will margin 1,000 bu 2c; send for our free book explaining option trading. Tut. Osborn Grain 814 and 815 Phoeuix building, Minneapolis.

Members Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE MONEY TO INVEST IN SOME JOBbing, manufacturing or office business In this city, where my services can be used inside; principals 82S, Journal. WALKER. 404 CENTURY BUILDING, HAS the largest list of business chances of any firm in the northwest. When looking for investment, call on him.

BUY WHEAT-ON ou the bulge; send us your orders. Call and see us. We deal in puts and calls. Write for our "blue Book." Private department for lady traders. The George H.

Dodge 215 and 220 Godfrey block. Members of Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR GROCERY STORE, with fixtures, horses, wagons; good location; best, class of trade; party which can carry fair stock will have no competition; good reason for selling. 831, Journal. FOR- HARNESS STOCK IN good, live town in western Minnesota.

Building for rent or sale. Address Dodson, Fisher, Braekman" Co. Minneapolis, Minn. BETTER THAN a SAVINGS BANK. Six per cent interest paid On sums of $250 to $10,000, invested in gilt.edged farm loans, secured by first mortgages.

have made no losses in fifteen years' experience. References given to all banks and newspapers in Minneapolis. Correspondence solicited. Address I) 832, Journal. SSSSSSSSSSSS Ti BIG REDUCTION OK'ALL FURNI- TURE AT OUR JANUARY CLEAR- ANCE SALE.

BOUTELL IST AY Si fg BOUTELL IST AY AND 6TH ST. S. FOR BLACKSMITH AND al horseshoeing shop, with good trade; poor health and leaving city reasons for selling. Address at once. 832, Journal.

A FORTUNE IS FOR A PERSON with capital to invest. Call or address Mrs. Webb, 529 2d ay S. ju WHOLESALE GROCERY, DOING CASH business, well established, good trade, moderate capital to buy; change of residence. Inquire 113 Ist at N.

FOR" ESTABLISHED FIRE INsurance business, maps' and "i paraphernalia complete. 831, Journal. CORPORATION BUSINESS, CLEARING $10,000 yearly. Cigar, news; neat, central stand. Steam laundry, $300: clearing $15 month.

Dairy sale, 95-gal. daily; best cows and route in city; enough hay, for winter; bar" Old Reliable Business Chance. Bureau; broad acquaintance, large list; can save you and secure what Lumber Exchange. Journal's Popular One Cent a word Classified Ads. SSMSTLSaI: NUMBER $3,000 DENTAL; PRACTICE FOR SALE IN country town; small amount will handle.

Address 828, EXCHANGE, 820 PHOENIX. $1,400, drugs; will exchange for land. 24-room hotel in city, cheap. Furniture of ten rooms, all rented. Three-chair barber shop, easy, terms.

Improved farm-for $4,000 general mdse. $375 buys cash grocery; living rooms. RETURN THIS COUPON TO F. J. OTIS, Apollouia, Wisconsin, with 30 i cents, and I will send you six (6) of the Otis non-Inking common pen holders and a book of six (6) of these coupons.

Sell these pep holders at 5 cents each and give one of these coupons with each pen holder sold. Prize, Fountain Pen, Tsl-; books, 60c, 75c. NUMBER 7. BUSINESS SPECIALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, PERinanemly removed by electricity. Miv Hoilister, 77-78 Syndicate block.

Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. NUMBER 10. BOARD AND ROOMS A SUITE OF HANDSOME ROOMS, WITH board in private family, for two young men or man and wife; none but those wanting the very best need answer. Call at 730 17th st.

A VERY PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IX strictly modern house, with board. .1109 Hawthorn ay. NICELY FURNISHED, STEAM-HEATED room, good location, walking distance, a young lady employed during the day. Will i give breakfast and night dinner; 831, Journal. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS FOR rent, with board, in modern house.

Also 1 other rooms, with closets. 1110 Ist av-N. BOARD, WITH DESIRABLE FURNISHED 1 i or unfurnished room; central location; house modern, 1111 Hawthorn ay. I LARGE. SUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FOR two, with board, in modern detached house: desirable, location.

124 16th st, corner of Stevens ay. I ONE, TWO OR SUITE OF THREE NICE, large rooms, furnished; steam heat, gas, bath; board if desired. 20S Grant st. NUMBER 11. BOARD OFFERED VERY PLEASANT, WARM, CORNER rooms, second and third floors, steam heat, with table board.

1321 sth ay S. NUMBER IS. BOARD WANTED TWO YOUNG LADIES, GOOD board and warm room; must state reasonai ble price. Walking distance and references. 831, Journal.

NUMBER 14. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BATCH, IMPRESSIONAL CARD reader and palmist, will give double readings this week for 50 cents. 520' sth ay S. MRS.

MANEWELL, GIVES readings daily; 25c circles, Thursday evening. Nicoliet ay, room 14. MME. CLAYMONT, WONDERFUL and magnetic healer; satisfaction guaranteed; dime circles Sunday and Thursday evenings, 1028 Hennepin ay. NUMBER 18.

DYEINQ AND CLEANING TWIN CITY DYE dyers and French dry cleaners. Out-of-town orders solicited; prices moderate. 420 Nicollet. Telephone 1576. NUMBER 18.

FINANCIAL QUICK LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE. SAME DAY AS APPLICATION. On your own name without security or indorser; payment payable to suit yourself. Those who contemplate borrowing can be assured of the confidential treatment that all persons of refinement and pride teel is essen' tial in matters of this nature.

Our omces are so arranged that you do not come in tact with other applicants, and you can be waited on privately and quickly. PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. MINNEAPOLIS LOAN COMf ANY, 601-602 Globe Building. HUH iWVtttMft MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEO- J5 are prepared to loan reason- Sable amounts to salaried people hold- Ing steady positions with responsible I concerns, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We conduct our business turictly confidential.

Lowest rates and gittrictly confidential. Lowest Room and fair treatment guaranteed. Room 3Utt, ft 0 Bank of Commerce building. at Lowest to loan. k.

D. Cone 517 Guaranty Loan WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEY to loan at a per cent on choice residence property. Thorpe 258 Hennepin ay. MONEY TO TERMB; LOW rates. David P.

Jones Oneida building. PRIVATE LOAN on real estate. Lowest rates. C. S.

Dever, 510 Tsaaple CourL MONEY LOANED SALARIED" PEOPLE with steady positions in good concerns, on their own names; no security; easy payments. Tolman. 920 N. Y. Life building.

6 PER CENT MONEY, WITH THE "on or before" privilege, to loan on improved property in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M. Newport, Reeve building, 4th and Nicollet, Minneapolis.

LOANS TO SALARIED rates, easy payments; no publicity. Ameri- can Credit C. E. Jennings, 623-5 Guaranty building. DEPOSIT WITH THE )O SAVING FUND COMPANY, 110 Temple Court.

4 per cent on deposits left two months. Q. I 4 per cent on one-year certificates. per cent on two-year certificates. Organized 1889.

Capital $350,000. Surplus $30,000. John L. Smith, Gus J. Pauly, 0 I Fred B.

Snyder, Counsel. 5 AND 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOAN 3, any sums; see us. Gale N. Y. Life.

REAIJ ty. C. S. Woodruff, 612 Guaranty Building. MONEY TO LOAN in J.

4th st 3. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE AT CHEAPEST RATES IN THE CITY. An opportunity to take advantage of. We make no startling, sensational announcements of rates "cut in two." We don't do business that way. Neither does anybody else.

But aur reduced rates are positively the lowest. You tan borrow on your plain note, without mortgage, lndorser or publicity. Easy payments. Our plan soon gets you out of debt. Come and be convinced.

Minneapolis Financial room 206 New York Life building. WANTED APPLICATIONS FOR first mortgage loans; current rates. Wm. H. White, 408 Bank of Commerce building.

YOU CAN GET 10 PER CENT FOR YOUR money on good security. 220 Temple Court. i S-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-S. We loan $10 to $100 upon notes. NO SECURITY or MORTGAGE re- quired.

Rebate when loan Is paid before due. Pay weekly, semimonthly or monthly. WE GUARANTEE lowest rates. WE GUARANTEE as easy payments. Room 202 Sykes bldg, 256 Hennepin ay.

RELIABLE CREDIT CO. MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOR mortgage loans; building a specialty: no delay. E. D. Brown, 736 Lumber Exchange.

BETTER THAN A Six per cent interest paid On sums of $250 to $10,000, invested in giltedged farm loans, secured by first mortgages. We have made no losses "in fifteen years' experience. References given to all banks and newspapers in Minneapolis. solicited Address 832. Journal.

XIMBER SO. FOR FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSE advertising under this head. Be eura and call for them when you leave the ad. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. KI'MUKH COLFAX MINERAL WATER Will permanently cure constipation.

We guarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case. The Glen wood-Ingle wood 313 Hennepin. WATCHES cleaned; main springs fitted, warranted a year. Fiske; Jeweler. 32 Wash.

MILLWOOD, DRY, 2 LOADS partly dry, coal, $5 and $5.26. Plymouth 4 Lumber Exeh. Phone, Main 717 J-3. FOR set Salntsbury Balzaz, 34 yols, cost IK, lor $30. Goodyear, 319 Hennepin.

OYSTER To CENTS; CKiSTAL grit. 75 cents, oil meal, 1.50 per 100-pound sack. J. H. Smith, 214-216 Henuepln' MINNEAPOLIS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL kinds second-hand store fixtures, 500 counters, shelving, showcases, office furniture, cash registers, scales, saloon and retauraut furniture, butcher barber chairs, wagons, carriages, sleighs; 1,000 stoves of all descriptions.

1027 Washington uv S. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, £37 Henn. Sell, rent, repair all makea. Ask for. prices.

TWO UPRIGHTS, $100, $125; Behr upright, price new $450, now Chickering $205; Helming upright, $200; Iwrs Pond" upright monthly; new pianos for rent, $3.50, $4 and $5 a month. One year's- rental allowed If purchased. Foster Waldo, 40 6th st 8, corner Nicollet. FOR THE PUBLISHER'S price, 500 sets of the New National Dictionary, Encyclopedia aud Atlas. Call ou or address The Minneapolis Journal Homo Educational incut.

IRON PLANER, BED; ONE set Fay Scott planer, center 20-inch. Globe Iron Works Co. 188 Si 22 FURNITURE BARGAINS. Zi This week we are offering extraordi-" Si nary bargains in bedroom, parlor and gi dining-room furniture, fine carpets and rugs, fine lot of heating stoves, ranges, iron and brass beds, crockery, Si glassware, in both new and fi slightly used goods. Retail Depart- ment of The Auction Mart, 44 and 46 it Si Seventh st S.

SSJSSSSiSSSSSi FOR IX GOOD ORDER; if taken at once. Call. 720 7th ay S. NEW OAK DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, $18; also drop-head White, cheap. 728 Nicollet ay, flat 12.

FOR $10; BEDSTEADS BUreaus, commodes, sideboard, piano, chairs, tables and other household goods. 2927 Park ay. 1718 HENNEPIN GOODS for sale. Third floor RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES, A large stock of pure and old wines and liquors of every description, at Jonas Brown's, 218 Nicollet ay. FOR QUANTITY OF THE gallon stock of choice old wines and liquors at Jonas Brown's, 210 Nicollet, at prices bo low that Will surprise you.

ROLL TOP DESK AND CHAIR. STILES, Globe building. Walnut desk and secretary, cost $50, price 'bedroom suit, worth $35, for fine table, etc. 2017 Columbus ay. FOR HOT AIR APPARATUS, electric machine and osteopath table; big money can bo made.

412 Nicollet ay, room 20. KITCHEN RANGE, $8. 2211 4th ay S. LADY'S DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, with all attachments, latest improved Singer, $10; White, $5. 1308 Clinton ay.

i SEVEN-DRAWER DOMESTIC SEWING machine, all attachments, good as new, for less than half price; leaving city. 806 Bassett place, upstairs. KINDS, CHEAP, AT 2d st and 2d ay hay and wood market, diers home as a model institution, the govgood EIGHT-INCH ice PLOW and markers, for sale, at 3024 Emerson ay N. Hopper. BARRED ROCK COCKERELS, WEIGHING 7to 8i pounds; good color and prices reasonable.

Also some hens. Mc- Bride, 3528 Nicollet ay. CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT SALE: COAL heaters, $1 and wood heaters, $1. and base heaters, $4. 502 4th ay S.

HOME, NEW, with two dozen records; large horn; very cheap. A 833, Journal. $55 STANDARD SEWING MACHINE, ATtachments complete, $10; White, $8: Domestic, Singer, $2.50. Snaps. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S.

FOR RENT NUMBER 21. UNFCHMSHKD HOUSES FREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE advertising under this head. Be suit, and call for them when you leave the ad. 3442 AY, MODERN; call for list of flats, stores and manufacturing. H.

Gibson, 420 Guaranty building. 607 Bth ay eight-room modern house; furnace, bath, gas, $22.50. 2302 Clinton ay, seven-room city water, sewer, $15. 2309 sth ay 9 rooms, city water, barn, $20. 1722 Nicollet ay, 10 rooms, modern, $35.

2430 4th ay modern 10-room house, $20. 126 Willow st, on Lorlng Park, 2d-floor flat, $12.50. 121 Western ay, 2d floor flat, 6 rooms, 12. Ist ay 8 rooms, $15. 614 Franklin ay, 8 rooms, barn, $20.

715 Oak Lake ay, 8 rooms, modern, $22.50. Ist ay flat 3, 4 rooms, "$9. V--; 702 University ay SE, 6 rooms, partly modern, $15.50., I 2531 Stevens ay, 6-room cottage, $9. George Odium, 214 Reeve building, 408 Nic! ollet ay. I CAMERON'S TRANSFKR AND i Furniture moved, stored, packed and shipped.

We pay for all damage caused by carelessness. Best facilities and largest and finest vans and tratiSfei in the city. Office, 200 Me. I ay. both lines, 1208: residence, 2334 L.

$8882888338888882888838 88888888888888888888388888 ti zi OUR ANNUAL. JANUARY CLEAR- Si' ANCE SALE. Zi 5 88 Zi NOW IN FULL BLAST. It is the opportunity that EVERY HOUSE- KEEPER in the northwest has been Si waiting for. It a.fford3 gj tunity for the selection the Si CHOICEST IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS.

-Si' BOUTELL IST; AY AND 6TII Zi''- ST S. Zi 'Zi VERY PLEASANT SEVEN-ROOM, CHOICE location; 920 sth ay $15. Small house, central 'location, $10 per month. 107 3d ay S. PUPILS; 15 LESSONS, best teacher; Farland system.

828, Journal. AN 8-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN EXCEPT furnace; SE Mpls; $20. W. W. Clark.

313 Nic. BOARDING-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS, 303 9TH st $22.50. W. W. Clark, "13 Nicollet.

FOR MODERN HOUSE, GAS fixtures, shades, wall paper all in; furnace fire been running two months; only one left of- these fine new houses; $25. 409 Walnut st SE, or F. M. Durgin, 65 Minnesota Loan and Trust building. GOOD, MODERN HOUSE, PARTLY FURnished; will take rent in board; can keep other boarders and roomers if desired.

207 Bank Commerce. SIMPER 23. FURNISHED ROOMS FREE, "FOR. OR "FURNISHED Room" cards for those advertising under ihia head. Be sure and call for them when ieaving the ad.

FURNISHED ROOM.WITH LARGE CLOSET, gas and bath; arrangement. can be made for light housekeeping. No. 1800 Nicollet ay. FURNISHED ROOM FOR YOUNG LADY employed during day; modern; walking distance: use of sitting-room; 1 light house-keeping allowed.

1611 4th' ay. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, gas, elevator and baths, from $8 a month and upwards. Beaufort Hotel, 112 3d st S. FOR FURNISHED ROOMS for -light housekeeping at 57 12th st $6.50 per month. SEE OUR LIST OF ROOMS; IF WE HAVE not got what you want we wiM find It for you: that is our business.

Correspondence Bureau, 820 2d avS. NUMBER 24. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR MODERN ROOMS, ON second floor. 2306 17th ay S. FLAT "OF 4 MODERN', SECOND only $8 per month; 1218 Washington ay 3.

Four front, downstairs, $10; three up, $5. 920 ay S. Three front, downstairs, only $7 pur month. 615 sth st N. Five front, $8.

623 Washington ay S. FIVE UNFURNISHED. ROOMS, SECOND per month; water, eight minutes' walk from West hotel. 1223 Chestnut ay. Call at 1225 Chestnut.

NUMBER UNFURNISHED FLATS NEWLY FINISHED, MODERN, SIX-ROOM flats; block from Hennepin and Central park; 53 to 75 Lyndalti ay N. F. M. Henry, Lumber Exchange. FOR four-room heated flat in''modern detached man and wife preferred; $20.

1919 FINE WARM FOUR-ROOM FLAT, MODern; gas, minutes' walk from postoffice; $12 per month. 816 loth st S. Refereuces. NUMBER 2T. OFFICES OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $1 to $20.

Eastman block, 412 Nigollet. Inquire room 12. NUMBER 28. STORES LARGE ROOM, GOOD LOCATION FOR clothing, furniture or groceries. 623 Washington ay $15.

a Small place for confectionery or repair shop only $8 per, month. 619 Washington ay Store, with living rooms, for tailor or shoe. 235 10th ay S. only $8. Large, with fullsize basement, for light manufacturing or jobbing.

1226 Washington B. Large room, second floor, for business purposes only; 424 Nicollet. Small shop, for repairs or fuel office, 234 6th ay $3. Medium-size fireproof safe for rent. 212 NUMBER 30.

MISCELLANEOUS A BARBER TWO chairs. 1001 Washington ay S. I. 82 SS 88888888888888888888S8 Si 83' WAREHOUSE FOR RENT IS 82 No. 615 Third st 66x165, two-story S8 brick building; city water; sewer.

zi 8S S2 Si LEWIS W. CAMPBELL, Guaranty Loan. Si SSSSSSSSSSSS 888888858885 NUMBER 31. HELP WATCHES CLEANED, MAIN SPRINGS, warranted one year. Paegel's, 22 3d st S.

YOUNG ARCHIBALD COLlege. Lake st, corner Stevens, for bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting and English branches. Day and evening. MEN AND LADIES TO learn telegraphy, shorthand, bookkeeping; success assured. For address Uloba Business College, St.

Paul, Minn. SILK VELVET COLLAR, 50c; OVERCOAT sleeves relined, 50c; pants recut into style, 75c; suits steam cleaned, $1. At Anthony, tailor, 119 Washington ay N. APPLY AT D. T.

office. EVERY MAN Would like to increase his business. He caa do it by advertising. Though he may not use newspaper advertising, he believes in advertising and uses it in one way or another. The sign over his door is advertising, his name on his goods is advertising, but the best kind of advertising is that done in a newspaper like "The Minneapolis Journal.

Ads in these classified columns cost only 1 cent a word by the day and $1.95 a line by the month, and they bring business. Calling 748 Main will bring a solicitor. IN EVERY TOWN IN the United States to start a multiple-coupon business for their own profit. The biggest money maker ever instituted; send 25c for book of coupons, which sells for $1, and exclusive agency for your town, with full in- I structions; absolutely legitimate; first come, first served. Address Multiple Coupon Milaca, Minn.


H. L. Day. WANTED, FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN; NONE other need apply; good pay to right party. Ideal Steam Laundry, 311 Wabasha at, St.

Paul; THORUGHLY COMPETENT male stenographer and typewriter, who is perfectly conversant with the Norwegian language; must be sober and furnish references. Call on Manager Ilinz, Medical Institute, 49 Washington ay S. YOUNG MAN: AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper; must be good penman and come well recommended; answer in own handwriting and state salary. 828, Journal. i MINNESOTA NORMAL SCHOOL ANDBUSIness branches of; commercial, scientific and special education: rates low.

525 Tth st S. DETECTIVES WANTED TO REPRESENT us In every town and village 7 In the west; experience unnecessary. For lars address 831, Journal. HORSESHOER AS PARTNER; a good chance for an temperate man, with little money. J.

B. McCluskey, IS 7th st city. -s FIRST-CLASS CIGAR SALES; man to take in as a partner in an established cigar factory; must be a hustler with good'character and habits; money is no object. Address 831, Journal. THREE AGENTS TO subscriptions; good pay; steady work all year.

N. W. Agriculturist. RYWHERE, HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago.

"LEST -f YOU FORGET," WE REMIND j6 I ft you that; the to engage stenog- bookkeepers, copyists, cash- 8 ft lers and other clerical help is the of- ft ft flee of the Mercantile Reference 540 Lumber Exchange. ft MAN, PIANIST, CAPAable of playing singer's accompaniment; good thing. Address -83L Journal. WANTE.D-^BINDERY BOY, WHO HAS HAD experience running a paper cutter." Kimball Co. BAKER FOR HOME BAKERY.

Address 831, OFFICE BOY. WAGES $3. 723 BOSTON SELL THE FAMILY trade, by wholesale liquor house. Must be a and have the very best of references. D.

F. Herschman 413 Hennepin ay. YOUNG. READINESS WITH which the business men and firms of the northwest give employment to our graduates 1 is sufficient guarantee that all pupils receive thorough and practical instruction at the Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan building. 1 GOOD WAGES TO FIRST-CLASS DRIVER.

Sterling Laundry, 1515 Lake st. Open evenings. YOUNG drug store; must have one or two years' experienc. Address 832, Journal. Telephone Your Wants to Main The Price JK2K NUMBER THE FACT THAT FULLY TWO-THIRDS of all the shorthand writers in Minneapolis are graduates of Caton College demonstrates the superiority of Caton College methods.

Business men demand Caton College officetralned help. Enter the college now. GOOD CANVASSER FOR "TEA AND COFfee; steady employment, good compensation; call 25 tith 8t 8. WANTED pjlet ay. to assi3t in eales department, soliciting city trade; must be well educated, a hustler and furnish Al city references.

Apply, stating immediate past or present occupation; also state salary expected. Address 832, Journal NUMBER 33. MILF YOUNG FOR THOROUGH PREParation for office work attend Archibald college, Lake corner- Stevens ay. Day- and evening sessions. FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork; family of three.

Apply 3132 2d ay S. GOOD girl in family of tvs for general housework. 605 6th st SE. Apply before CHRISTIAN MAN FOR POSltion of trust In home county; $800 yearly; enclose address stamped General Manager, 305 Insurance Exchange building. SEWING GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRT WAISTS, petticoats, undergarments, etc.

Sterling Mfg. corner nth ay and 3d st, second floor, Heywood building. NURSEMAID AT 929 Bth st SE. LADY travel; one that can sing and play piano or string instrument; must be good dresser on and off stage; salary sure and long season to right party. Address Ben R.

Broae, harpist, musical king and high class entertainer, Pipestono, Minn. GIRL TO housework; no washing. 320 11th st jj. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT girl, general housework; small family. 2020 24 ay S.

COMPETENT GIRL ToPbo general housework at 501 ay SE. STYLISH DRESSES MADE FROM $1 TO latest skirts, skirts rebound, 35c. 907 sth ay corner Bth st. HUNDREDS. OF HOUSEKEEPERS SAY Regan's "New" Bread is the finest they ever ate; try a loaf and see how you will like it; your grocer can supply you with it If you Insist on his giving you Regan's NEW bread.

GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 2701 Dupont ay S. GENERAL housework; three in family; modern house. 1912 Clinton ay. WANTED WOMAN TO WASH FLANNELS and girl to work on mangle.

White; Steam Laundry, 925, Washington ay S. COMPETENT WOMAN AS nurse to care for baby. Apply 2128 Hennepin. AT Envelope Portland and 32d st. YOUNG HAVE FILLED POSltions this month paying as high as $75.

If you wish to increase your earning capacity, attend the Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan building. FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork. 1828 Girard ay 8. COMPETENT GIRL, GENERAL housework; good wages. 718 17th st.

GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call at 3245 Stevens ay. TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork. 611 18th st. TWO STENOGRAPREHS, ONE EXPERT, at good wages; who wants office experience.

Northwestern Agriculturist, 1237 Guaranty building. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; three in family. Call 2923 sth ay S. COMPETENT GIRL AT 4600 Fremont ay take Bryant ay car; good wages, small family; modern house. HOUSEi work at 1312.

Stevens ay. i GOOD GIRL FOR Must be good cook; Apply 2211 Stevecs ay. I GENERAL HOUBE- I work in family of three. References re- I quired. 47 loth at N.

GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 3112 2d ay S. NUMBER 38. SALI BUY HORSES, BUGGIES and harnesses, blankets and robes. Secondhand rigs of all for sale; cash or time.

414 3d at S. BROWN DICKEY, MIDWAY HORSE Market, St. Paul, have constantly on hand all clasae of horses, draft and driving horses and farm chunks; if you want a horse of any kind, give us a call. BARRETT ZIMMERMAN HAVE ON i their Midway horse market, St. Paul, from 300 to 500 head of heavy logging horses, farm mares, drivers, general purpose horses and mules, which constitute the finest and most superior class of horses ever placed on the market.

Private sales daily; part time given if desired. BAY HORSE, SOUND; WEIGHS 850; WARranted sound and family broke; price i cash or time. 414 3d TWO GOOD DRIVING PONIES FOR SALE, cheap, at, your own-price; or will exchange two for a horse. 217 Bth ay N. FOR BUGGY, HARNESS and horse; Wilford Wilk3; $50 takes them; have been left with me to sell.

505 Grant. FOR GREAT BRED STUD colts, sired by Senator Wilkinson, out of great bred dams. H. Himmelman, Mankato, Minn. $35 BUYS BIG BAY HORSE, WEIGHS good traveler; make good delivery horse.

211 6th st S. FOR COMBINATION SPEEDing cutter, for cash or diamond stud. 118 Hennepin ay. A NO. 1 DRIVING HORSE, 5 YEARS OLD, weight city broke; $40 if taken at once.

2316 4th st N. NUMBER 34. HORSES, CLOSED WAGON, SUITABLE for bakery. St. Anthony Bakery, 1400 Marshall st NE.

CASH, A FIRST-CLASS, single coach harness. Address A 832, Journal. NUMBER 35. INSTRUCTION SINGING TUESDAY. 4 p.

at 929 20th ay and every Thursday, 4.p. at Malta Temple, 241 Nicollet ay. George Normington, instructor. GERMAN TAUGHT BY NATIVE LADY teacher; children or adults; terms reasonable. Address 831, Journal.

TIMBER 39 LOANS AND CHATTELS QUICK LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE, pianos, without removal; easy payments," cheapest rates; Minnesota Mortgage Loan room 306 Bank of ommerce building, cor. Ist ay and 4th st. LOANS MADE ON SAME DAY AS APPLlcation, on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, fixtures, goods to remain in your undisturbed possession. PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. Minneapolis Loan 601-2 Globe Building.

LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS," furs in store and warehouse receipts. 525 Guaranty.Loan. NUMBKR 37. LOST ANB FOUND LOST OR BOOK NO. C.7447, issued by the Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis.

If not returned to said bank before Jan. 15, 1901, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. BULL DOG, WITH BLACK spot on left eye. Return or notify 1415 3d ay S. Liberal reward.

T. B. Parker. to get purkwines and liquors, at Jonas F. Brown's, 2aS Nioollet.

LOST OR BOOK NO. 106,900, issued by "Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis." If not returned to said bank before Jan. 16, 1901, application will be made for duplicate thereof. NUMBER ST. BERNARD DOG, COLOR yellow; had piece chain attached to collar.

Return to and 3d; st for reward. SATURDAY AFTERnoon in Cirkler's drug store, containing papers valuable only to owner. Retutn to Cirkler for reawrd. WATER SPANIEL, MONDAY afternoon; license No. 49C2.

Please notify 130 Groveland ay. MEDICAL ELITE BATH PARLORS, 626 HENNEPIN ay; porcelain tubs; massage, cabinet and medicated baths; experienced lady attendant. FEMALE. DISEASES CURED By Dr. Wheeler, specialist, office 408 Nlcollet ay.

VIRTUAMA, FRENCH TREATMENT, BOTH sexes; cures lmpotency, gives vitality, vigor, restoring ambitions, aspirations. of youth, health; $2, or three for sent on receipt ot price. Kidd Drug Elgin, 111. Churchill Scheldrup, Nic. House, Mpls.

M. 'Parker, opp, P. 0., St. Paul. Fred Scott Estate, Stlllwater.

Full line rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY NEUROPATHY, ELECTRIC and magnetic treatments; improved Turkish vapor and medical bath for rheumatism, la grippe, nervous diseases and weaknesses. Nicollet, room 19, third NUMBER 42. NOTICE JOHN HORSES AND cattle promptly removed from any part of city; $1 each. Tel.

N. 1224; 3008. 729 HENN. AY, R. C.

Black plumbing, heating and lighting. Tel. Main SALE." The stock of merchandise of the late Peter O. Swanson of Hopkins, of which inventory and appraisement has this day been filed in the probate court for Hennepin county, will be sold by me in the following- manner: Written sealed bids on said stock will be received by me at 1016 New York Life building, Minneapolis, until Jan. 12, 1901, at 5 o'clock p.

each bid to state the gross sum to be paid and to be accompanied by a certified check for $100 as a guarantee of good faith. On Monday, Jan. 14, 1901, at 9 o'clock a. the bids.received will be presented to the judge of probate for said county, and all bids will be subject to his approval. The bids should be upon the entire stock, but should not include store fixtures or any other personal property.

On application at the store opportunity will be given the bidders to examine the stock. Emil Nelson, administrator. NUMBER 44. PERSONAL DR. BERTHA SHEPARD, SPECIALIST Diseases of women and children.

17 9th st S. Take Hennepin ay car. T. H. BLY, M.

SPECIALIST IN ALL diseases of women; all irregularities corrected; private home for women before and during confinement; book, lie, all you need to know. Office. 27 4th st S. third floor. BRING YOUR MUNSEYS, LESLIES, HART pers, Scribners, to the Great Western Printing 328 3d st to be bound.

Special prices for the new year. These volumes are all complete with the December number. HOLCOMB DANCING 7-9 Monday, social 9-12; stage and private by appointment. 4th st third floor. JOSEPH LA CHANCE, DIVINE HEALER, 206 6th st.

Minneapolis. CONRAD VOGES IS REQUESTED TO COME home to sign papers to obtain inheritance coming to him from Germany; any one knowing of his whereabouts should communicate with Mrs. Voges. 1630 Aldrlch ay N. EXPERIENCED PHYSICIAN AND SPEcialist will give confidential advice and treatment to ladies; all irregularities promptly corrected.

Address "Specialist, Nicollet, suite 1. ENGLISH PENnyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; taka no 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies" in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chem. Pa, SEND $1 TO JONAS F.

BROWNS, 21C NlCollet and he will deliver to your residence or office a gallon of the beat port wine you ever had. SSS2SSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS S2S2SSSSSS £8 Si MONEY SAVED BY BUYING AT Si OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. 88 82 BOUTELL IST AY AND STH 82 ST S. S5 88 88 888888888888 8288828388288 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, WARTS, permanently removed by electrolysis. Anna M.

Griswold, 417 Medical block. THE UNDERSIGNED, FEEL IT MY duty to recommend S. H. Barker's rheumatic liniment to the public for the good it has done me and others whom I know have suffered with rheumatism, pneumonia, toothache, etc. For further information, call on or write H.

M. Parmenter, janitor, of Newberry block, 201 12th I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE GENTLEman who called on me some time since to secure a position for a friend; I cannot recall the name. C. S. Hulbert, city treasurer.

A MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN, IN GOOD circumstances, would like a -few lady correspondents, under 35 years." a view to matrimony. Strictly confidential. A. W. Brownell, Clinton, lowa, general delivery.

A LADY OP QUALITY. SA great book; read it. Miss- Eugenic Blair will present her gorgeous pro- ductlon of this story at the Metropoli- tan week of Jan. 13. The book sent postpaid to any address for 60 cents.

Minneapolis Book Exchange, 20 Wash-; ington ay S. NLMBER 40. PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON MERCHANT (JAMES F. Williamson aud Frank Merchant), patent attorneys and solicitcrs, main office No. 929---935 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis, branch office, room 52.

McGill buildlug, Washington, D. C. NUMBER 47. REAL SAL! IMPROVED EDMUND CX WALTON, 300 HENNEPIN, ISsues a new catalogue of houses for sale and rent every two weeks. Send or call.

NEW $5,500, $7,800. Nelsou Realty Back of Commerce. NEW, MODERN, MEDIUM-SIZE HOUSE; excellent neighborhood. Price and terms reasonable if taken' quick. Inquire L.

E. Trent. 2016 James ay S. NUMBER 48. UNIMPROVED HAVE FOUR LOTS, AS FOLLOWS: TWO on Perm ay, 41x125; sewer and sidewalk In, east front; one 4th ay, one sth ay south front and north front, 39x165, between Perm and Queen ays Perm ay lots between 4th and sth ays all clear; what equity can you offer to trade for 832.


NE Sec. 2, Town 126, Range 63. Vi Sec. 11, Town 127, Range 65. MARSHALL COUNTY.

SB Vi Sec. 4, Town 127, Range 69. O. M. LARAWAY SON.

100 Bank Commerce Minneapolis. Minn. NUMBER GO. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE SEVERAL. FARMS AND GARDEN TRACTS, near city, for sale cheap or exchange for improved city property.

Call F. P. Pilcher, Bank SITUATIONS WAWTID NUMBER 01. MALE YOUNG MAN GOING TO THE UNIVERSITY would like a place to work for his board and room; Southeast preferred. Address 123 State at SE.

13 NUMBER COOK WISHES POSITION IN HOTEL OR chop house. Otto Fleiesner, 506 Boston block, care NUMBER 62. FEMALE WASHING AND. IRONING CALLED FOR and delivered; first-class work on all kinds clothes; send postal. Mrs.

Barry, 418 6th ay 8. AN EXPERIENCED" YOUNG LADY STEKographer wants position at once; will work for moderate salary. Address 830, Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG ish girl, newcomer, for-general housework, in American family; wages no object Address 1910 7th st S. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS stenographer; can furnish best of references as to character and ability; wages not (bo much an object as permanent position.

831, Journal. HUNDREDS OF HOUSEKEEPERS SAY Regan "New" Bread is the finest they ever ate; try a loaf and see how you will like It; your grocer can supply you with it if you insist on his giving you Regan's NEW bread. BY YOUNG LADY, POSITION AS HOUSE" keeper for widower or bachelor; home for the winter main object. Address, giving particulars, 831, Journal. NUMBER 53.

STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER AND FUEL CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and household goods; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South 3d st. Telephones. Main 656, both exchanges.


Telephone 514-3. NUMBER OS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY diamonds or trade for new. pay cash for old gold or make into new jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry 41 Washington, ay S.

CASH PAID for all kinds of household goodsT Don't sell before getting estimate from tha Town. Market, 25-27 sth at S. tel. 1993. WANT TO BUY A SECOND-HAND SAFE 7 time lock, for bank.

H. H. Steeiu, N. i for in any quantity. Send postal; we will call.

Minneapolis Book Exchange, 20 Wash, ay S. WANTED stoves, office furniture, store fixtures, guns, musical instruments, for shipment; pay moid than local dealers. 831, Journal. BUY SOME. CHICKENS; will pay 25c apiece.

Address 831, Journal. NUMBER WOOD AND COAL COAL, $5 TO PINE WOOD, $2 UP; maple, oak, birch, tamarack, mixed. $4: Tel. 1989. Nicollet Feed- Fuel 915 Nicollet ay.

BEST HARD COAL, $8 PER TON FOR. A few. days only. Call on Braesch, No. 28 Washington ay N.

MAPLE BLOCKS, mixed, tamarack, maple, oak; ash, sawed and 4-foot; discount to dealers. Central Fuel Co. Tel. 1908. NUMBER CO.

WANTED TO RENT I AM CONSTANTLY CALLED UPON FOH rooms with housekeeping privileges; small flats; list with me. Howard A. Broat, 303 Kasota building. FLAT, 5 OR rooms, steam heat, gas, bath. Address 315 St.

Peter st, flat 3, St. Paul, Minn. NUMBER 61. ESTATE BUY AT ONCE, A FEW good quarters in Red Lake country. Prices must be right and titles perfect.

Julius rieth, Lake county, Minn. HAVE BUYERS FOR INVESTMENTS; IN cheap home; also location for flat; owners wanting to sell. List at once. 202 Onelda block. NUMBER 63.

MINES AND MINING NUMBER 08. MOVING AND STORAGE. SAFES, BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHINery moved; household goods moved and stored or packed for shipment by expert packers. Boyd Transfer Fuel 46 3d at S. Telephone Main 656.

both companies. NUMBER (JO. DETECTIVE AGENCIES DETECTIVE WORK, ALL BRANCHES; SEcret service inquiry, shadowing; best references. S. J.

McNulty, 208-10 Kasota bllf. BAXTER'S detective work; satisfactory results; terms reasonable; commercial and bank references. Wm. Baxter, general manager, suite 615 Temple Court, Minneapolis. NUMBER 67.


are the chief specialty of IHM TWIN CITY IRON WOUKS. Founders and Machinists, Office, 307 3d st 3. Automatic Engines and Throttling Engines, Boilers, Heaters Pumps, Crushers, Rope Transmission, Pulleys, Gears, Shafting Boxen. Hangers, Roll Corrugating. NUMBER 08.


M. 625 Bryant ay. N. FUR COATS AND STORM collars; gents' fur-lined coat furs remodeled and repaired. Hubachek, 408 Nicollet ay, BEBJIAN BROS.

OF BATTLE LAKE, have started hide and fur business at 117 Ist ay we want ali.the shippers und trappers to give us a trial; write for prices. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SAL.B. NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred and contained in a certain trust dead heretofore, to-wlt, on or about the 23d day of November, 1900, made, executed and delivered by Andrew N. and Amund M. Dahl, co-partners as Dahl of the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the benefit of their creditors, to James F.

Jordan trustee, the undersigned will, on the 15th day of January, 1901, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the storeroom lately occupied by said Dahl being numbers 325 and 327 Central avenue, In tha city of Minneapolis, offer for sale severally in bulk at public vendue, to the highest bidders for the following properties to-wit: stock of general merchandise, now being and situate in said storerooms, of the Inventoried value of about $11,128.53. Fixtures in said storerooms of the inventoried value of $879.50. and bills receivable of the value of about $500. A certified check will be required from each bidder, as a deposit, of $1,000 on the stock, $100 on the fixtures and $50 on the accountH. That said several properties and schedules and inventories thereof are subject to inspection and examination at the store aforesaid, up to the hour of sale.

The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. For further Information, call at the store ot Wyman, Partridge Dated Jan. 7th, 1901. Trustee..

The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.